Taylor Quotes

Quotes about music, Paramore fans and being a band:
 "I think it's been cool cause we've been able to grow up with our fans and we share some experiences and thoughts and emotions and stuff"
 "I feel like this is really us, at a very honest stage and we're not trying to pretend to be something that we're not" 
 "This record has been a lot about our relationship as a band. And struggles of friendships and a lot about growing up" 
 "I think there's always been time where all of us, might have a bad day and be like "I don't wanna be in this band" but you know today I still love what I'm doing"
 "Some people only dream about touring around the world with their friend and that's exactly what we're doing and we could never take that for granted"
 "We are just really thankful, we went from like having our kind of fanbase that's been with us since day one to having a whole bunch of new people hearing our music"
 "We literally have the best fans ever, and we really do care about them, and I feel like they in turn really care about us" 
 "What colour is Hayley like?" - Interviewer "I think Hayley is yellow because yellow is a great color" - Taylor
"Jeremy literally can do anything"
 "The five of us used to be really close in it, group, and do a lot of same things and listen the same music and have the same jokes"
"I think we're all kinda lost them into five completely different individuals"  

Quotes about Personality and Life:
"Maybe it's cool to be, uncool"
 "There's no better you than you"
 "Who knows what the future has?"
"There's no need for drama and hate. Let's love each other! We're all human, right? "
 "I was born and raised in Nashville. I don't plan on leaving anytime soon." 
 "Accept each other when we don't agree on things"                                                         
"Life is tough man. No one is spread from obstacles and trials, but there is such a beautiful plan for each of us. Just gotta let it happen"

Inspirational quotes:
" Be a voice for the voiceless. This world needs more love and hope!"
Funny quotes:
"Hey, black is not a color. It's a shade haha. Just kidding."
"My first guitar was a "Baby Taylor". I was so excited 'cause my name is Taylor and it was a baby Taylor. I was like "this perfect, It's like two bay Taylor's" 


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